This is the home to the writing and other worldly bits of A.J. Walker. He is an obscure writerer and human from Liverpool. He sometimes thinks he is surprisingly young for his age. Though it's fair to say he has been known to be delusional.
He is a rather keen member of an underground cult known mysteriously as the FlashDogs who have to date published half a shelf of anthologies (all of which are required reading and should be installed forthwith on your bookshelves or e-book reader device thingy). He's also a lapsed member of the brothers and sisters of The Poised Pen Writing Group in Liverpool. They meet up once a fortnight and discuss things and read and stuff; unfortunately they no longer hold their meetings in a pub (which may explain why he no longer goes).
A.J. Walker has work featured in sixteen books of short stories and flash fictions, all available on Amazon. Take a look at all the pretty covers on the Publications page. The most recent are the wonderful third of the Infernal Clock books 'DeadCades', 'Don't Open the Door' and the recent 'VSS365 Anthology'. Now looking forward to getting to seventeen books and beyond.
You may also find some of his writing on flash fiction challenge sites where to some extent he has been cutting his teeth. He gives thanks to Flash Fiction Friday, Angry Hourglass, Microbookends, Microcosms and the FlashDogs very own FlashFeed.
A.J. Walker has work featured in sixteen books of short stories and flash fictions, all available on Amazon. Take a look at all the pretty covers on the Publications page. The most recent are the wonderful third of the Infernal Clock books 'DeadCades', 'Don't Open the Door' and the recent 'VSS365 Anthology'. Now looking forward to getting to seventeen books and beyond.
You may also find some of his writing on flash fiction challenge sites where to some extent he has been cutting his teeth. He gives thanks to Flash Fiction Friday, Angry Hourglass, Microbookends, Microcosms and the FlashDogs very own FlashFeed.

His first foray into 'epics' (anything over 6000 words) was undertaken under the auspices of 2016's NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). For those not familiar with it, it is an annual online event where people not struggling to grow a moustache for Movember instead use the very same month to construct a book. Yes, a whole book of at least 50,000 words in a single month! First time in and he was lucky enough to get the time to do it; check out the Writerer's Block for November 2016 to see how it went.
And he only went and did it again in 2018 and just managed to finish with over 50k words, you can see the wiggly way it went in the blogs.
He is currently working on several projects in the hope that one or another will burgeon into a full blown book (including the NaNo efforts) - although in the knowledge that they will likely take longer than a month to complete.
And he only went and did it again in 2018 and just managed to finish with over 50k words, you can see the wiggly way it went in the blogs.
He is currently working on several projects in the hope that one or another will burgeon into a full blown book (including the NaNo efforts) - although in the knowledge that they will likely take longer than a month to complete.
Social Media and Other Venues
A keen user of Social Media (well Twitter and sometimes Instagram) currently utilising two accounts; the personal account @zevonesque covers everything from writing, Liverpool, football, sport, travel and any damn random thing. The real ale account @ReAleLiverpool unsurprisingly largely sticks to Liverpool, pubs and beer.
Lots of my photos are also out there on Flickr and Instagram.
Click on the very dark buttons below to check 'em out.
A keen user of Social Media (well Twitter and sometimes Instagram) currently utilising two accounts; the personal account @zevonesque covers everything from writing, Liverpool, football, sport, travel and any damn random thing. The real ale account @ReAleLiverpool unsurprisingly largely sticks to Liverpool, pubs and beer.
Lots of my photos are also out there on Flickr and Instagram.
Click on the very dark buttons below to check 'em out.