Tragedy on the Lakeside
Lakeside Flash and Sunday Evening Fever
Off today and meeting mate for his birthday pints this afternoon, then a bizarre evening of music with.. er... Tragedy a Heavy Metal band doing Bee-Gees covers 'and beyond'. I know not what to expect with that!

So reading and writing confined largely to the morning along with boring stuff like washing and ironing. Grrr.
First up was reading a few chapters of Silmarillion. Another Folio edition, and another that has been sat on the shelves unread for far too long. Really enjoying the amazing world building with this. Short stories really, written as folklore or a biblical text, to set the background to LOTR and the Hobbit.
Then it was writing: it's a Sunday, so I've usually got to try Angry Hourglass. I don't know why but it took a while to get a story from the picture this week (below). But got something done in the end. So as far as I'm concerned that's a win.

Photo: Ashwin Rao
Next writing will be something for Project 1. Or maybe 2...
Off today and meeting mate for his birthday pints this afternoon, then a bizarre evening of music with.. er... Tragedy a Heavy Metal band doing Bee-Gees covers 'and beyond'. I know not what to expect with that!

So reading and writing confined largely to the morning along with boring stuff like washing and ironing. Grrr.
First up was reading a few chapters of Silmarillion. Another Folio edition, and another that has been sat on the shelves unread for far too long. Really enjoying the amazing world building with this. Short stories really, written as folklore or a biblical text, to set the background to LOTR and the Hobbit.
Then it was writing: it's a Sunday, so I've usually got to try Angry Hourglass. I don't know why but it took a while to get a story from the picture this week (below). But got something done in the end. So as far as I'm concerned that's a win.

Photo: Ashwin Rao
Next writing will be something for Project 1. Or maybe 2...
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