Flower of Scotland
17/01/20 10:44
You may have noticed that I have been a bit quieter on the blog recently - usually I write 7-9 blogs per month. But I've had good reason for disappearing a little as my dad died in the second half of December. He hadn't been ill and it was a shock. There's never a good time I know but coming up to Christmas it is a complete bugger on multiple levels. It is doubly difficult for us as mum died in the same week of the year 4 years ago. Christmas is going to be a bummer going forward. I nearly hid from Christmas this year - we were to have it at my dad's - but in the end I did go to my sister's family and I am glad I did.
One of the other problems around Christmas is if an autopsy is required then you can't arrange the funeral for weeks as the coroners office is closed over Christmas and New Year. In our case the funeral, which was yesterday, was over four weeks after he passed. It is frustrating and extends many of the immediate issues (you can't contact anyone important to cancel things (or claim for funeral)) without a Death Certificate. Anyway, we are there now.

The funeral went as well as such a day can go. Lots of family and friends turned up, apparently with some people not even able to get in the room. Dad was a respected man and will be missed. Many came back for a drink and a sandwich later at the Fleetwood Hesketh, where my dad used to go every week. The service itself was nicely presented by the chaplain from Southport Hospital and the music choices went down well. I still can't get Flower of Scotland out of my head.
Will probably write a couple of follow up blogs on this and dad. I'm always a bit unsure about how much personal stuff to say and how much to keep to one's self: my dad would say nothing I know. We'll see, after time, where I get to on thinking about that.
In the meantime it was a nice goodbye with everybody. Like mum, he has gone too early.

One of the other problems around Christmas is if an autopsy is required then you can't arrange the funeral for weeks as the coroners office is closed over Christmas and New Year. In our case the funeral, which was yesterday, was over four weeks after he passed. It is frustrating and extends many of the immediate issues (you can't contact anyone important to cancel things (or claim for funeral)) without a Death Certificate. Anyway, we are there now.

The funeral went as well as such a day can go. Lots of family and friends turned up, apparently with some people not even able to get in the room. Dad was a respected man and will be missed. Many came back for a drink and a sandwich later at the Fleetwood Hesketh, where my dad used to go every week. The service itself was nicely presented by the chaplain from Southport Hospital and the music choices went down well. I still can't get Flower of Scotland out of my head.
Will probably write a couple of follow up blogs on this and dad. I'm always a bit unsure about how much personal stuff to say and how much to keep to one's self: my dad would say nothing I know. We'll see, after time, where I get to on thinking about that.
In the meantime it was a nice goodbye with everybody. Like mum, he has gone too early.
