April 2023
Great AI. But Damn Scary.
Still keeping at it with the weekly flash (<300 word) challenge from Microcosms. This week’s three elements were: frog/ castle/ sci-fi. I enjoyed writing it (it ends up with a man eating frog - you can check it out along with the other entries at Microcosms) and later in the week discussed the challenge with a colleague. He was intrigued by the idea and said it would make a good cartoon short. It must have got him thinking anyway as he decided it would be a good way to see what Adobe Firefly - an AI illustrator - would produce for it based on a few relevant words. He fed them into the computer and instantaneously it came up with a range of image options. They were all really good. And in fact we both liked the first one it came up with (below).

Firefly is a Beta at the moment and, looking at what it can produce already, I am gobsmacked at how good the images it comes up with based on word prompts. It is frighteningly good at it. And I can’t not see it taking a lot of hours out for producing art work for all sorts (book covers, comics, posters and the like in particular). Of course taking hours out of producing something also takes the work away from people too. Get ChatGPT & Firefly together (or some of the other ones out there) and they could write and illustrate a story for you on a topic you’d like in no time. It is both an impressive and scary bomb of capabilities. Will we want to read stories written by apps, look at pictures not generated by people. Perhaps there will be an AI reading app next. That can read the stories to itself so you wont have to do. If they write, illustrate and read them all then what will we do? What will we be for? What will we be?
It is scary to consider where it may go in the end (let alone when combined with robots too). The Borg from Star Trek may be seen as a jovial alternative to the future we actually have around the corner. It will be interesting to see. But don’t believe what you read about it; it may have been written not on an iPad, but by an iPad. Perhaps this was?
Soon the only thing we’ll find ourselves believing in is the weather when we see it for ourselves. That is until we’re all chipped then even our own live experiences may be false too.

PS it is nice to have another Firefly we can enjoy - at the moment - who knew what they were working on after the series finished? They are one busy crew.

Firefly is a Beta at the moment and, looking at what it can produce already, I am gobsmacked at how good the images it comes up with based on word prompts. It is frighteningly good at it. And I can’t not see it taking a lot of hours out for producing art work for all sorts (book covers, comics, posters and the like in particular). Of course taking hours out of producing something also takes the work away from people too. Get ChatGPT & Firefly together (or some of the other ones out there) and they could write and illustrate a story for you on a topic you’d like in no time. It is both an impressive and scary bomb of capabilities. Will we want to read stories written by apps, look at pictures not generated by people. Perhaps there will be an AI reading app next. That can read the stories to itself so you wont have to do. If they write, illustrate and read them all then what will we do? What will we be for? What will we be?
It is scary to consider where it may go in the end (let alone when combined with robots too). The Borg from Star Trek may be seen as a jovial alternative to the future we actually have around the corner. It will be interesting to see. But don’t believe what you read about it; it may have been written not on an iPad, but by an iPad. Perhaps this was?
Soon the only thing we’ll find ourselves believing in is the weather when we see it for ourselves. That is until we’re all chipped then even our own live experiences may be false too.

PS it is nice to have another Firefly we can enjoy - at the moment - who knew what they were working on after the series finished? They are one busy crew.