A.J. Walker


Not Quite. Yet

Was good to play Open Mic at the Dispensary on Tuesday night. Think it was just my third time this year at Dave’s weekly OM. Really need to do it more often as it’s always a fun evening and good to meet the other guys and gals—as well as the regulars in the pub.

I ended up with a list of seven or eight songs that I’d pick from for the evening. Most of the usual suspects. There was no PA or speakers this week so it was singing without a mic—very Belvedere, but the Dizzy is a bigger space. The pub wasn’t too busy though so the sound of chit-chat wasn’t as loud as it can be there when a few bigger groups come in. Only issue was a bloke shouting down a phone in front of Dave whilst he was playing. All very Dom Joly.

There were just five of us playing this week and I ended up playing four songs: Sweet Carolina (Ryan Adams), Down By the Water (Decemberists), Heart Breaks Like the Dawn (Chuck Prophet), and Shed a Tear (for the Lonesome) (Green on Red). Was originally going to give Carolina a rest but with the lack of a mic I thought I better sing a song I know very well first just to get my voice out there and going for the rest of them.

Anyways I still need to update my song list and play some other ones at least from time to time. And of course I need to get a song or two of my own sorted too. Watch this space—but then again don’t get too excited yet. Still got to identify which songs to go for. A task for the month ahead.
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