A.J. Walker


The Welcome Return to BJs

Several weeks ago I found myself looking at various Apps for recording To Do lists etc on my phone. I was surprised at how many had monthly or annual charges. It put me off; to the point I recalled I used to keep—and enjoy—Bullet Journals: quite quickly I came to the decision to return to them. At the end of the day paying for a blank journal twice a year would be cheaper than paying for an App. Whilst it’s one more thing to carry around (or keep track of at home) it does have the benefit of being one less thing adding to my digital footprint. Not peering at my phone for any time at all would be time well spent and make me feel better I reckon.

I do currently use Calendar a lot for general daily To Do lists on my iPhone, but a more meaty, structured way of recording and scheduling seems beneficial—and would beneficially add to my WRITING one way or another. One thing I need to do is to STRUCTURE and timetable writing. So I’m back to the BJs—which I promise to only shorten to BuJo in future. Honest.
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