A.J. Walker


The Infernal Clock Interviews

Infernal Clock Interview

With the release of the fabulous Infernal Clock Shakes asked all the contributors a few choice questions as an 'interview'. My favourite bit was the 666 questions. Some were easier than others however I don't think I've done too bad in terms of picking my bad. Here were my picks:

Who do you think are the 6 most evil humans in history?

GhengisKhan Stalin
Ghengis Khan and Josef Stalin

Adolf PolPot
Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot

Farage Kelvin
Nigel Farage and Kelvin McKenzie

Who do you regard as the 6 most evil villains in literature or film?

Joffrey Sauron 2
Joffrey Baratheon and The Dark Lord, Sauron

Cylons Alex
The Cylons, Battlestar Galactica and Alex in A Clockwork Orange

Bob Sephiroth
Sideshow Bob and Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)

(if I can’t use a video game then Baron Greenback!)

What do you think are the 6 most disgusting meals or food products ever created?

Andouillette Blanc

Andouillette (far and away the worst thing I’ve eaten - French cuisine my arse) and Blancmange

Delight Hersheys

Turkish Delight and US ‘chocolate' products e.g. Hershey Bars and Oreos

Okroshka Liver
Russian cold soups e.g. Okroshka and Liver

Click here for the link to the full interview sans photos and to see all the interviews from the other authors.

Infernal Clock available in Paperback and on Kindle now

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