A.J. Walker


The Return of the Flash Dogs


Was good to see the recent iteration of the Flash Dogs with the Equinox challenge. And it was nice to see some familiar names there. The invite was for ‘up to four’ stories using the photo prompt. In the end I wrote three, but two of the writers did submit four stories (Stella and John Murphy). Two others wrote three stories and another six wrote one story (which is plenty enough really).

Writing stories of just a 250 word maximum is damn hard. It’s been a while since I tried (I have done Thursday Threads once this year—a maximum of 150 words). Think 350 is a bit easier to get a story out there, but hell even that is a push too).

Have read all the stories and I enjoyed them all. My top few were ‘
The Land Remembers’ (Voima Oy), 'Postcard' (Bex Spence), ‘Pentimento’ (Bex Spence, again), and ‘Ask the Dog’ (Stella)’. But if I went through them all again maybe I’d pick some different ones. Sometimes judging is even harder than writing to a very tight margin. Kudos to all those who got involved. It’s good to be back (whether it’s for a short stop or for something a little longer).
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