A.J. Walker


Zevonesque Prompt Takeover Extravaganza

It is great to see how popular #VSS365 has become on Twitter and as Roz Levens gets well into the second week of her prompts it is fast approaching my turn; as I have the privilege of picking the prompts for November. So today I've selected my 30 words for the 'Zevonesque Prompt Takeover Extravaganza' and looking at them I think you VSSers should find them all easy and varied enough to come up with some boss stuff. I'm not giving anything away by saying they range from a measly three letters up to a whacking ten letters long. I'm also kinda thinking you'll not require a dictionary or thesaurus for any of them.

Looking forward to seeing what you'll do with them.

In the meantime, enjoy the next two and half weeks of Roz's - whilst I keep an eye on them to check if she has picked any of my words. If she does then I have a few choice ones in reserve.
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